Westside Family Fellowship Church is simply a group of people from all walks of life whose lives have been transformed by Jesus. Listen along as we grow in Christ together! We encourage you to visit us in person every Sunday @10:00am and every Wednesday @7:00pm—’cause we’d love to hang out with you and see your beautiful face! You can join one of Westside’s small groups, see what we’ve got coming up, join the family we’ve cultivated here at Westside, and so much more at our website! Just visit us at www.westsidefamilyfellowship.church, or follow us on Instagram @westside_wasco and Facebook @Westside Family Fellowship. We CAN’T WAIT to get to know you!

Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
T h e M i s f i t s
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Are you a misfit? Good news! You're in incredible company :)
David, the shepherds who first saw Jesus, the disciples, and even Jesus himself were misfits. This last Sunday, Pastor LaRonna Rhodes encouraged us about the calling of God—how he does not look at our position, our likes and dislikes—he simply calls us to follow him.
If you're looking for more sermons and devotions check out our other episodes! We have weekly services that are posted on Tuesdays. For more services, how to get plugged in, giving and more, visit our website at www.westsidefamilyfellowship.church