Westside Family Fellowship Church is simply a group of people from all walks of life whose lives have been transformed by Jesus. Listen along as we grow in Christ together! We encourage you to visit us in person every Sunday @10:00am and every Wednesday @7:00pm—’cause we’d love to hang out with you and see your beautiful face! You can join one of Westside’s small groups, see what we’ve got coming up, join the family we’ve cultivated here at Westside, and so much more at our website! Just visit us at www.westsidefamilyfellowship.church, or follow us on Instagram @westside_wasco and Facebook @Westside Family Fellowship. We CAN’T WAIT to get to know you!
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
We can push through immense uncertainty and disappointment with Christ. Because of Jesus we can Persevere through it all: pain, sorrow, loss etc. because He has our good in mind. We can withstand situations when we are Under the attacks of the enemy. To withstand it is helpful to understand that these are Satanic attacks we experience. Yet through all that Satan is trying to Hinder in us, God enables us to persevere.